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Week 28 of 52 Weeks - Boys aka Girls (Beastie Boys, 1987)

Week 28 - Beastie Boys (1987)

We had this idea to change the song “Girls” to “Boys” and keep the rest of the lyrics the same.  But what I didn’t realize was how much of it describes my life to a tee right now!!!  It’s all about boys in the morning, and it’s all about boys in the evening. I love the way they walk and I sure love the way my 2-year-old and his friends talk!  And every night I hope he will say “hey me and you should hit the hay” as in “is it bed time yet?!” and certainly I can’t wait for him to do the dishes and his own laundry :)  Later in their career The Beastie Boys weren’t too fond of this song for its lyrical content but I figure Bekah and I can make it equal, right?  I sincerely hope though that when my boy grows up, he will know the difference between looking for a soul mate and a house keeper!

Brilliant styling by my home slice Bekah S.  She ain’t just a pretty face, you know?



Week 20 of 52 Weeks - Diamonds Are a Girl's Best Friend (Marilyn Monroe, 1953)

Week 20 - Marilyn Monroe.  I love dresses.  I especially love vintage dresses and consequently I have accumulated lots of them over the years.  Half of me thinks that wanting to wear those dresses is motivation to get on the stage…  There’s something really fun about swaying around in a full length gown, even in 90 degree heat!  With that spirit we channeled our inner Marilyn Monroe this week - we had to dig pretty deep to find her!  It’s a mini-series continuing from last week’s Material Girl.  Enjoy!
